- Tokyo,Nov 01,2019 Nissan Securities acquires Trading and Clearing Membership of TFX Euroyen Futures
- Tokyo,Oct 16,2018 Nissan Securities Contracts with Trading Technologies to Distribute the TT® Platform
- Tokyo,Jun 06,2017 Nissan Securities: the top broker by volume for Tokyo Commodity Exchange(TOCOM)
- Tokyo,Apr 01,2016 Nissan offers NEXT J-GATE Services for JPX and TOCOM
- Tokyo,Dec 14,2015 Nissan Century announces Firm name change from “Nissan Century Securities Co., Ltd.” to “Nissan Securities Co., Ltd.”

Exchange Memberships
Nissan Securities offers Market Access, DMA support, ISV support, Colocation and Proximity Hosting Services,
HFT optimized trading, and 24hr customer support for the following exchanges and more.